Welcome to ADR.direct Arbitration
- Arbitration is a creature of consent, and that consent should be freely, knowingly and competently given.
It is recommended that parties wishing to refer possible disputes to ADR.direct use the ADR.direct Arbitration Clause.
- Parties should always ensure the arbitration agreement is in writing and clearly drafted.
- ADR.direct is a neutral forum for arbitration
ADR.direct do not belong to any government hierarchy.
ADR.direct arbitrators are independent and impartial.
ADR. direct Arbitration results in a final and binding award.
ADR.direct can keep the procedure and the resulting award confidential
ADR.direct Arbitration Basic Rules are designed to provide for a confidential, simple, quick and inexpensive means to resolve disputes.
ADR.direct can provide ´tailor made´ arbitration .
ADR.Direct has been created with a view to provide players´ agents and other intermediaries in disputes arising in their world of business and consultancy with an efficient, confidential and effective means of resolving these disputes.